"The purpose of the congress is to support the development of mathematicians in the classroom learning community, rather than fixing mistakes in the children’s work or getting agreement on answers."-Communication in the Mathematics Classroom from Capacity Building Series


Math Congress is a framework for a mathematical instructional strategy that originates from the work of Cathy Fosnot and Maarten Dolk.  It provides structure to the consolidation or reflection portion of a mathematics lesson.  It allows the teacher and students to focus on a few ‘big ideas’ through mathematical reasoning and communication.  During a Math Congress, a few students' solutions are strategically chosen to be presented to the class.  They are encouraged to justify and defend their solutions in order to progress mathematical thinking for the rest of the class.  New ideas and strategies surface as students compare their own strategies to their peers.  Facilitating a Math Congress in your classroom will cultivate new thinking from building a community of learners.

The following video shows clips from a Math Congress.


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